23/04 Lund Cathedral, by Loris

We started with the astronomical clock of the cathedral. It has been observed that the time on the clock is not the same as our time. In addition we saw the calendar and the symbols of the four apostles: Matthiew, John, Luke and Mark. Then we were shown the symbol of the cathedral: a grid. St Lawrence died on a fire on a rack. He is the protector of the cathedral. At 12h we could see small animated characters that came out of the clock.
Then we arrived in front of the altar where there is a representation of Jesus on a mural of 6 meters. It was learned that the king at the time used Christianity to expand his power. It is a Romanesque cathedral and one of the most beautiful in northern Europe and it was decided at one time to bring together all the archbishops of northern europe. The cathedral was later damaged and rebuilt by a Danish architect.
We then went before a Jewish symbol. Why in a Catholic church? Because religions are related. We have seen the symbols of the apostles: for example the lion for Mark and the angel for Matthew.

Finally we went to the underground part of the cathedral. In this part there was the coronation and we could see a tomb. We were told the legend of the giant Finn who built the cathedral and is represented supporting a pillar. St Lawrence asks the giant to build the church and in return he will have either the Earth and the moon either his name or the eyes of St. Lawrence. Once the cathedral is finished St Lawrence congratulates the giant and Lil says that it will be able to ring him but only at the next eclipse. The unsatisfied giant asks him his eyes. St Lawrence then wanted to escape and trying to catch the giant Tombit in a cliff.

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