Saturday: Titanic expérience Cobh

Today we visited a museum about the titanic. The titanic was the largest boat designed at the time. It was built in 3 years by 3000 people. The boat is finished in 1912. He did his first trip with three stops. The trip was to last 6 days. The guide explained that some people jumped before the boat started . Rich people take the boat and are first class in a large room with 1 bed sofas and space as well as a toilet room available. The 1st class are the highest place in the boat. The floor below is the second class and still below are the 3rd class. Their rooms are very small with 2lit bunk there was no lettecticite nor water in their room. There are 2,500 people who boarded. The titanic hit an iceberg on April 14, 1912 around 11:40 pm. The boat sank on April 15, 1912 at 2:20. The captain ordered the boat to leave immediately because of the water filtering from underneath the boat and starting to sink it. A reconstruction of the spit was performed. There were 20 lifeboats but unfortunately it was not enough to evacuate everyone. 700 people survived and 1,500 people were in danger. The causes of death are hypothermia, people get stuck in the cabin or in the control room such as the pilot and the commander. We were dealt cards with the name of a passenger who was on the titanic when he sank, and in the end we looked at whether he was dead or had survived. At the end of the visit we were able to buy some souvenirs if we wish.

By Thomas K,Thomas S, Édouard C, Valentin et Alice

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