Archives par mot-clé : school

Walking Dead

« What is Brian ? »

Editions Didier – A book written by Rupert Morgan

The book


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The story

Level A1 -> A2

The story takes place in England at a school and at Jenny and Jack’s house. They are brother and sister. Jack is 13 years old and Jenny is 14 years old. Jenny and Jack are students. They are English.

The problem is about a meteorite which has fallen not far from Jenny and Jack’s village. The day after, the animals and the humans are very strange and Brian has disappeared. Brian has disappeared from the beginning to the end of the story.


Listen to QV’s book summary (part 1)

Listen to QV’s book summary (part 2):

The students’opinion

I like the book because in the story, there is suspense and it is rather funny. Brian wants to eat brains….


 I love this book because it is captivating and funny; but it is a pity that it ends this way.


 Look at CP & QV’s interpretation of this book :